This has been grafted onto myoporum bateae
Sid Cadwell is a cultivar that puts on a stunning display as standard flowering for most of the year
Acacia longifolia
Acacia sophoria
Acacia dealbata
Acacia howittii
Acacia terminalis
Acacia frimriata
Acacia pycantha
Alygoyne hakeifolia Che Maree
Alygoyne hugelli White Gem
Alygoyne wrayae
Bracyscombe Jumbo Mauve
Chamelaucium florifelum Meringar Mist
Chrysocephelum apiculate Bridgewater Bay
Eremophila christopheri
Eremophila cuneata
Eremophila fraseri x cuneata
Eremophila nivea
Eremophila spuria x spectabilis
Grevillea aquifolium
Grevillea Amazing Grace
Grevillea bracteosa
Grevillea Bush Lemons
Grevillea Callum’s Gold
Grevillea Candelabra
Grevillea candelabroides
Grevillea Canning Cumquat
Grevillea Carrington Cross
Grevillea Coastal Prestige
Grevillea Coastal Sunset
Grevillea coccina
Grevillea commutata
Grevillea dimorpha
Grevillea Dorathy Gordon
Grevillea elongata
Grevillea Evelyn’s Coronet
Grevillea Firesprite
Grevillea Flamin Beauty
Grevillea Flamingo
Grevillea floripendula
Grevillea georgiana x pilosa
Grevillea Honey Wonder
Grevillea Hot Pink Willy
Grevillea insignis
Grevillea macleayana
Grevillea Just Rosy
Grevillea Katherine
Grevillea mucronulata
Grevillea New Species Wedderburn NSW
Grevillea obliquistigma
Grevillea Poorinda Dadam
Grevillea Poorinda Constance
Grevillea Orange WOW
Grevillea Outback Sunrise
Grevillea parvula
Grevillea pateniloba
Grevillea philipsonia
Grevillea pinnaster
Grevillea Poorinda Constance
Grevillea Red Hooks
Grevillea Scarlet Moon
Grevillea Silver Sulfa
Grevillea stenemora
Grevillea Strawberry Blonde
Grevillea superba
Grevillea venusta
Grevillea victoriae
Grevillea thelmanniana Mini Marvel
Hibiscus Aussie Pearl
Hibiscus Ian’s Gold
Hypercalyama Golden Veil
Isopogan formosa
Isopogan formosa x latifolius
Leptospermum scoporium Pink Cascade
Melaleuca nematophila
Melaleuca violacea
Myoporum bateae x floribundum
Myoporum floribundum
Persoonia pinifolia
Wonderful news that the heart and soul of the Illawarra Grevillea Park, Ray Brown,has been recognised for his wonderful contribution to conservation and the environment in the Australia Day Honours list today. Ray has been a lifelong volunteer and continues to devote his time and energy to many areas of horticulture.
Thanks to Ray we have a unique park at Bulli that attracts many hundreds of visitors each year. As park manager Ray has been inspirational in mobilising a small group of volunteers to help him maintain and enhance a park that not only showcases Australian flora, but which provides a fantastic place for people to explore and relax with their family and friends.
Such has been Ray's impact that he was also given the honour of having a grevillea named after him, Grevillea raybrownii.
Ray always makes himself available on our open days to talk to visitors about growing grevilleas. Next time your at the park be sure to search him out for a chat!